Re: Question about default colors

"Micha³ Majchrowicz" <> wrote:

>I personally don't agree. If the webmaster uses images for logos or
>rounder corners then he is forced to set background-color (in other
>way the site would look silly/horrible) but he still want to allow the
>user to specify his own font color. For Instance if the user uses
>green/red/brown/etc. color there is no reason to not allow him to use
>it. Since the CSS doesn't allow to specify the color that CAN'T be
>used the best solution in that case is to use default system font

Sorry, I don't understand what you are saying.

Authors /and/ users should specify both color and background-color if
either property is set, in addition users should disable author
specified background images if they wish to overrule author fore- or
background colours.

Please expand if you think that there are scenarios where this creates


Received on Monday, 23 April 2007 09:02:42 UTC