Re: [selectors] New pseudo-class proposal: ":current"

Le 12 oct. 06 à 14:14, Orion Adrian a écrit :

> While you may get some resistance on the name, I love the idea.

This is a good idea, you are right; I don't see why the name should  
be a problem. Current is trans-media, isn't it? Continuous or paged,  
a site is still amgon different section/(web)pages.

A way to prevent clicking on the link for the current page (a loop)  
would be great too, but this is out of scope for CSS (and, anyway, it  
is not that necessary).

Definitely, :current looks like a great idea for breadcrumbs.

</david_latapie>   U+0F00

Received on Thursday, 12 October 2006 21:31:44 UTC