Re: Downloadable fonts and image replacement

David Woolley schreef:
>> Usually you want to /preferably/ use the font installed on the system,
>> if it's there. Any proposal needs for resolving this conflict needs
> One problem with this is that the installed font may be an old version and
> may not be as complete, for example, older versions of the IE fonts don't
> have the full set of PinYin characters.  Part of the problem, in this case,
> is IE's failure to implement the font selection algorithm properly (and fill
> in missing characters from fallback fonts).

But in that case, there is nothing that prevents the UA from retrieving 
the secondary font file after all when it encounters characters that it 
can’t render, actually, it seems only logical, and it is what most UAs 
do today. So I don’t think there is a problem.


Ushiko-san! Kimi wa doushite, Ushiko-san nan da!!
Laurens Holst, student, university of Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Website: Backbase employee;

Received on Monday, 1 May 2006 17:49:39 UTC