Re: Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements

Shadow2531 wrote:
> Then, for rule #3, since width and right are auto and left is not, the
> width is shrink-to-fit.


> Now, I think the float: right; for the child h3 causes IE and Gecko to
> get 0 for right, but I'm not 100% sure how.

There's a bug in Gecko's shrink-to-fit algorithm if there's a shrink-to-fit 
child inside the thing you're working with.  Since the float has no width set, 
it's shrink-to-fit, so you hit the bug.

We expect to have this bug fixed in Gecko 1.9; the relevant builds render your 
page identically to Opera.


Received on Monday, 24 July 2006 01:08:03 UTC