Re: [CSS21] empty inline elements

There is a related case where IE and Opera behave the same way and 
different to Firefox. Consider:

   <p>some text <span id="caret"></span></p>

where the span is styled with a border thus:

   #caret { border-left: solid 1px red; width: 1px}

On IE and Opera you see a space before the red border, while on 
Firefox you don't. On Firefox, the space before the border reappears 
if you set the content of the span to &nbsp;. I consider Firefox's
behavior to be a bug.

None of the browsers collapse the line height if the paragraph and 
span don't contain any text, which is the desired behavior.

   <p><span id="caret"></span></p>

The example comes from work I am doing on a cross-browser editor 
that uses the DOM for keyboard and mouse events together with a
span to simulate the appearence of the text caret. The aim being to 
provide a more flexible solution than designMode or contentEditable
where there are major interoperability problems in current 

  Dave Raggett <>

Received on Sunday, 24 December 2006 12:23:16 UTC