Re: [css3] Proposal

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Daniel Glazman" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 9:09 AM
Subject: Re: [css3] Proposal

| Daniel Glazman wrote:
| > To be honest, I think this should be DOM-based, not CSS-based.
| Let me detail a bit more : this is entirely behavioural. It does not
| affect the display of the video player, it affects what the video player
| is DOING. This is not stylistic at all.

In my engine I've implemented similar style (CSS) attribute named 'transition'

transition: 'none' | 'blend' | 'slide' | '(animated-)image' 

So if you have following defined:

button:hover { transition:blend; } 

and when :hover flag switch happens (on or off) 
engine starts animation - gradually blend one state into another.

Technically this is very close to what happens with animated GIFs.
GIF animation can be cyclic or one time sequence.

So if you have defined:

img { transition:none; } 
img:hover { transition:image; } 

and the img has animated gif then animation will happen only 
when mouse hovers the element.

In my case (embeddable HTML/CSS engine for UI purposes)
it is definitely a "Good Thing".  For general use - I don't know.

In any case people are implementing these things in various Web toolkits 
(known as AJAX libraries) so this feature is demanded somehow.

It appears that there are two major use cases for CSS currently: 
"classic" - static content case 
and "webapp" case when CSS is used
for styling of Interactive Web Applications.  
It appears that we do need module "Dynamic Effects" in CSS3 - 
and move :hover, :active, etc. there.

Andrew Fedoniouk.

Received on Thursday, 7 December 2006 19:11:49 UTC