[css3] Proposal

My apologies if this has been suggested in the past, I did do a quick  
but hardly exchaustive search.

I propose a new property called "animation". For most elements, it  
would be meaningless, but for those <img> elements that either have  
GIF or MNG as their src, it would do several things.

A value of "reload" would cause the animation to play from frame 1  
again. Suppose for a moment we have the following style rules...

img:hover {
  animation: reload;

Any time you moused over the image, it would replay... those GIFs  
that aren't infinitely looped could play the animation once more.

A value of "pause" would cause an animation to pause at whatever  
frame it happened to be at.

img:hover {
  animation: pause;

This would cause a GIF/MNG to pause at whatever frame it happened to  
be at, of particular use for those that are infinitely looped. While  
there are tricks to simulate this effect with CSS and some markup,  
the "paused" frame is really just the background-image of a container  
for the img element that has been hidden. This "paused" image may or  
may not align itself well with the point in the animation that was  
just hidden with CSS, nor will it necessarily do so once the animated  
gif is unhidden.

This property would be of particular use in designing Flash-like  
effects, animated button/links and even user.css (where I imagine a  
great many people might have img { animation:pause !important; } at  
the top of the file).

Received on Thursday, 7 December 2006 14:45:22 UTC