Re: Selector for parent/predecessor?

On Tue, 22 Aug 2006 10:40:55 +0200, Mark Birbeck <>  
> The reality, which people can choose to ignore if they like, is that
> all of the innovation is taking place amongst programmers who are
> working around the limitations of browsers! Look at Dojo...look at
>'s Java to Ajax mapping...all of these
> innovations are coming about because browsers are years out of date,
> and don't provide the features that authors need.

Huh?! Aren't those frameworks based on technology provided by browsers?

The problem I see we're coping with the most is compatibility issues with  
web sites because authors rely some browser specific extension. Be it  
Internet Explorer or Firefox. Besides that we still find time to implement  
some standards which will give us the same problems in a couple of years  
(like SVG). Fortunately, new standards are starting to cope more and more  
with these problems early on (for SVG it wasn't really early, but they're  
doing it now).

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Tuesday, 22 August 2006 08:57:12 UTC