Re: Styling by attribute-based association?

Orion Adrian wrote:

>On 10/25/05, ACJ <> wrote:
>>The CSS2 attribute selector [1] allows you to style labels with a for
>>attribute like this:
>>label[for] { border: thin dashed }
>>The first case you discribe (1) is not possible with current CSS, but
>>one could argue if it should. It sounds like behaviour to me (and should
>>therefor be handled by script).
>Behavior is a ill-defined thing. What's your definition for it? Or is
>it, "I know it when I see it."
A reaction to external or internal stimuli. (Like user input, or time 

:hover already borders on this, and I would personally like to see this 
to be respected as the outer limit of how far behavioural conditions (by 
the former definition) are specified in CSS.



>Orion Adrian

Received on Tuesday, 25 October 2005 20:28:13 UTC