How to deal with presentation-is-the-content (was: Re: Five new proposals about CSS)

Le 16 oct. 05 à 18:08, Orion Adrian a écrit :

> I think you have to remove all cases where styling is content from
> your semantic categories. I could have an article about various
> typefaces like Times New Roman, but that doesn't mean we should
> reintroduce <font>. Any time you write about something about
> presentation, that presentation shouldn't be marked up with a semantic
> equivalent, but rather should be encoded in an image or a PDF;
> something that will garuntee its survival once rendered.

I think they should be a special treatment for presentation-is- 
content (PIC). I'm barely now anything about namespace but it seems  
to be the direction to go.

Anyway, this also is another working group's issue

> Also, when emphasis or strong are hit, they are spoken using pauses
> and increases in volume.

I wrote an article (in French) some years ago about how to know  
whether em or strong should be used.
Bottom line is

Imagine you are saying this to some people (like a teacher with  
students, for instance)
- if you increase the volume                 =>emphasis
- if you increase the volume *and* pause
just after                                   => strong emphasis


Received on Sunday, 16 October 2005 16:24:12 UTC