Re: Property "rotate"

> might do.  But I work in a land of children and scared-to-learn, 
> scare-to-compute adults where... enjoyment is IMPERATIVE to continuence 

My exerience with scared to learn older adults is that complexity is
a killer.  The way to to help them is to strictly follow user interface
guidelines (something that modern web pages never do) using very simple
abstractions, so that the whole set of rules for interacting with
every application in the world can be put on a single sheet of paper in
normal handwriting (plus domain specific instructions on the page itself).

The other essential for scared adults is that nothing should ever be
unexpected (nothing asynchronous, few or no popups, easy ways of backing
out of mistakes etc.).

Modern web usage is impossible to teach because one has to teach so many
heuristics for finding links, etc.

This is really a discussion, though.

Received on Tuesday, 17 May 2005 07:07:21 UTC