Re: [offlist] Typo in 5.12.2 The :first-letter pseudo-element

I can't agree that it's not a very common word :
Google find over 19K2 hits for "abuts" in the
UK alone, and 0,25M world-wide.  Of the early
hits, apart from those that refer to the definition
of the word itself, the remainder all clearly
indicate that it is in fairly common usage when
discussing property or land.  Refining the search
to "abuts" and "typography" reduces the hits to
circa 450 but there are certainly instances not
entirely disimilar to the spec. originally referred
to :

	'the last letter of the name abuts the 3/16". margin'

Philip Taylor
R.J.Koppes wrote:

 > I do agree it's not a very common word, so maybe replace it just to avoid
 > confusion?

Received on Tuesday, 3 May 2005 17:17:20 UTC