Re: Stand-in color before images load

Laurens Holst wrote:
> Anne van Kesteren wrote:
>>> <h1 src="heading1.jpg"><em>Surely</em> this would be cool to have</h1>
>> I assume h1:alt would still match the H1 element if image loading was 
>> somehow prevented.

It wouldn't be necessary, doesn't this
   h1[src] { content: attr(src,url); }
already fallback to the normal content when that's not available?

> Oh, stupid me :). h1:alt would even be nice to render a reddish border 
> or something around the element, to indicate something has failed loading.

I don't think so.  If there are styles that need to be applied to the 
elements content, but not when it's a replaced element, something like 
this would work:

   h1[src] { content: attr(src,url); }
   h1::inside { border: 5px dotted red; background-color:blue;
                color: lime; }

This gives both a fallback background colour, as requested by Barry in 
the initial post, the reddish border Laurens wanted, and whatever else 
you want.

Although that's not possible yet, why is there only ::outside and not 
::inside defined in CSS3 selectors?  However, the same result could be 
achieved by polluting the markup with:
   <h1 src="..."><span>...</span></h1>

> So, let’s say :alt (or rather: :loadfail?)

I don't think a pseudo-class is appropriate for this because this would, 
in a way, be a case of the selectivity of a selector being dependant 
upon other styles being applied or not, which no other selector does and 
nor should they.

Lachlan Hunt     Rediscover the Web Reclaim your Inbox

Received on Wednesday, 30 March 2005 14:19:09 UTC