Re: CSS is doomed (10 years per version ?!?)

On 7/1/05, Håkon Wium Lie <> wrote:
> Also sprach Orion Adrian:
>  > Static, Absolute and Relative don't make a lot of sense to new people
>  > coming into it.
>    [..]
>  > And I'm here not to promote
>  > Microsoft, but to promote those values that I feel would make CSS
>  > better using Microsoft's success as an example of why I feel they
>  > would be benificial.
> The irony of your position is that absolute/relative positiong were
> designed by Microsoft (and Netscape) programmers over a few hectic
> months and subsequently dumped into CSS. All attempts by the CSS WG to
> revise the design were rejected for being "too late".

The irony doesn't escape me. But bad decisions shouldn't have to be
kept. That just seems silly to me. This is why businesses fail (and
standards too).

Orion Adrian

Received on Friday, 1 July 2005 16:27:25 UTC