Re: FAQ about reasons behind CSS

Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> Laurens Holst wrote:
>>I think that ::nth-last-child() should have never been added, it’s not 
>>very useful anyway :).
> Where is that pseudo-element defined? AFAIK, there is only a 
> pseudo-class with a similar name, but different syntax.

Are you really trying to say that you didn't understand that the 
pseudo-class defined in [1] was meant? Or are you just nit-picking 
the fact that there were two colons (:) instead of just one?

The point was that you cannot have incremental rendering with styles 

   tr:nth-last-child(-n+2) td
     background: red;

And this was an argument against the claim that CSS has design 
constract "Incremental rendering (no reflow)".



Received on Friday, 1 July 2005 08:38:26 UTC