Re: [CSS3] UI element states pseudo-classes

Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:
> Reading "UI element states pseudo-classes" [1] I think that make sense:
> 1)  to remove :checked  pseudo class as it mimics exactly 
> input[type="radio"][checked]  and input[type="checkbox"][checked] selectors

It doesn't, actually.  Apart from the issue Laurens pointed out, :checked 
applies to <option> elements in HTML, say....

> 2)  to remove :enabled  pseudo class as it is enough to have :disabled

Except that somet things may be neither :enabled nor :disabled...  So it's not 
enough to just have a single boolean value, since we're trying to indicate 3 
possible states.


Received on Sunday, 9 January 2005 04:30:42 UTC