Re: Supporting propriety "Extensions"

Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:
> | I think Anne explained the need for it well enough:
> | "This addresses the future, not now. So that vendor extensions are not
> | going to conflict with new W3C CSS specifications."
> | So we have established that there needs to be *some* kind of mechanism.
> | Given that need, the CSS group came up with a convention of prefixing
> | vendor-specific properties with -vendor-. I do not see what is so
> | strange about the notation.
> First: Minus in identifiers creates troubles in the *present*.
> It prevents to introduce formulas naturally.

So use an underscore, as in my first suggestion. Ian also hinted at 
underscores talking about a _moz_ch unit.

  Anne van Kesteren

Received on Wednesday, 23 February 2005 09:04:29 UTC