Re: [css3-ui] Problems with :read-only and :read-write

> design. And this ego seems to come mostly from the desire to look
> impressive when they don't really feel impressive. I could go on and

And that desire arises because people believe that, as I wrote:

>                                                                     It also
> > operates in a world where technology is sold on surface appearence and
> > even on the quality of the adverts as entertainment in their own right,
> > rather than on the fundamental quality of the technology.

> Whom do we serve? The web author, the user or ourselves?

W3C serves the industry members that fund it.  However, the people
on W3C have some independence and do try to serve the users as well
as the authors, even though the authors' wants are what drives their

Received on Saturday, 6 August 2005 04:19:18 UTC