[CSS21] Page Breaks inside Tables


the properties for controlling page breaks ('page-break-inside',  
'page-break-before' and 'page-break-after') all apply to "block-level  
elements" only (13.3.1). Block-level elements are those with a 'display'  
property set to one of 'block', 'list-item', 'table' and sometimes  
'run-in' (9.2.1).

Are the several table box types (esp. 'table-row-group' and 'table-row')  
intentionally left out? If so, why? Otherwise please change it. Tables  
often don't fit onto one page, thus being able to control/advice page  
breaking inside of them is very desirable.

Or did I simply miss some special clause (probably in chapter 17) that  
makes said properties apply to table rows etc., too.

Received on Thursday, 14 April 2005 14:08:52 UTC