Re: XPath & CSS, again

Hi Mark,

Mark Birbeck wrote:
> The blog argues for turning CSS into something more akin to a framework,
> with each part of the framework able to move independently of the others.
> (...)
> The processing model could be generic, and I discuss in the blog that there
> is a clear relationship with other 'dynamic infoset' models such as the
> XForms dependency engine.
> But the main point of relevance to this discussion is that by breaking CSS
> up in this way, CSS styling properties could be used independently of the
> addressing model, and CSS selectors would just be one addressing mechanism
> amongst many -- enabling those who wanted to, to use XPath.

Have you looked at the draft charter for the renewal of the CSS WG[0]? 
It has similar words while not going quite as far. I think you might 
want to take a look at it and provide specific comments along those 
lines (as AC rep and/or implementer). Anything that fosters greater 
integration instead of unhelpful differences and ancient quibbles is 
imho headed in the right direction.

Robin Berjon
   Research Scientist

Received on Wednesday, 13 April 2005 19:21:15 UTC