Re: Stand-in color before images load

Ben Ward wrote:
> Mikko Rantalainen wrote:
>> I think that there's a problem if @group{ ... } doesn't mean 
>> anything unless it contains string "!required" somewhere.
> I'm not sure I see what that problem is? @group is a pretty 
> clear, generic wrapper. It is the "!required" keyword which adds 
> the functionality we're all describing.

I don't like the fact that !required *really* means
!required-in-this-thing. Note that this is different from
!required-in-this-rule and !required-in-this-group. Many real world
CSS authors do learn by example and the connection is far from clear.

The opt-in / opt-out issue is interesting, though. Perhaps it's just 
that I find the suggested names as misleading.


Received on Wednesday, 6 April 2005 14:04:46 UTC