CSS Level 1 Testsuite - 3.2


is the css-test AT w3 DOT org address monitored for feedback? I have
reported what I think to be a bug in test case 3.2 [1], namely the item
"...this green..." in the TABLE Testing Section, but haven't received any
feedback (positive or negative) now for over four weeks.

Additionally, I haven't found any errata pages, so I guess the test case
is assumed to be correct by the W3C. Can you please explain why the list
item mentioned above should be rendered green, especially since none of
the browsers I tested do so (i.e. Mozilla 1.3b, Safari 1.2.3 and OmniWeb

[1] <http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Test/CSS1/current/sec32.htm>


Received on Wednesday, 22 September 2004 08:15:32 UTC