Re: Revising text wrapping, line breaking, and white space properties in CSS3 (CSS3 Text: 6 and 7)

Richard Ishida wrote:
> Hi Fantasai,
> Some more notes.  I've spent a fair deal of time (re-)familiarising myself
> with the issues, particularly wrt ideographic and south-east asian
> implications.  Before making any comments, I'd like to check I understand
> clearly what you propose for white space handling. See below:
> [BTW: I think the spec would be much more readable by the average implementor
> and content author if the properties were introduced in a different order.
> I think that one should start with white space handling, of which
> linefeed-treatment is a secondary part, then word wrapping, then the items
> that are secondary to that: ie. current line-break, word-break-cjk,
> word-break-inside, etc.  This follows more closely the order of the in which
> these things are likely to be applied/refined.]

Sounds reasonable to me.

> Let me know if this is correct understanding, and I'll send some other
> comments.

Yes. I like the way you explained it. :)



Received on Wednesday, 13 October 2004 00:51:51 UTC