Re: "active" CSS

> Link targetting is behavioural.

I can see how you would interpret it that way, but I think of link
targetting in terms of train tracks, which structurally limit the directions
trains can travel.

> The structural equivalent is still in the
> strict version in the form of the rel and rev attributes.

Unfortunately, as presented in the HTML 4.01 Specification, the link types
that apply to rel and rev attributes (see 6.12, "Link types" at do not seem to provide a
way to specify whether a link via an A element in a document embedded via an
OBJECT element (a common header, footer, or navigational document, for
example) should replace the embedded document, its parent, the document at
the top of the chain, etc.

This seems to me a structural oversight--the ability to embed documents 
without the ability to specify where their links open is a recipe for links 
opening in the wrong places--but CSS 3's Hyperlink Presentation Module may 
serve as a work-around once it is finished and well-supported. 

Received on Sunday, 10 October 2004 20:12:36 UTC