Re: Box model: min-margin and max-margin, max-padding and min-padding

| >> Make (1) display: table-row, and (2) and (3) display: table-cell, with
| >> the
| >> element containing all three (possibly the <body>) display: table with
| >> width: 100%.
| >
| > So using tables for layout of non-tabular content via HTML is a no-no,
| > but using "display: table", "display: table-row", and "display:
| > table-cell" for such content is okay?

The best way would be to use hypothetical "flow" attribute.

The flow controls visual order of contained block elements and
having values : top-to-bottom(default), bottom-to-top, left-to-right,

 | (1) Header        |
 | (2) Content | (3) |
 |             |  S  |
 |             |  i  |
 |             |  d  |
 |             |  e  |
 |             |  b  |
 |             |  a  |
 |             |  r  |

whould be just

<div id="header">
<div id="body" style="flow:right-to-left">
   <div id="sidebar">
   <div id="content">

"Does anybody know where I can by Occam's Razor?"

Andrew Fedoniouk.

Received on Saturday, 2 October 2004 02:36:12 UTC