Re: CSS: %% length unit. Proposal.

On May 8, 2004, at 12:11 PM, Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:
> :)  Trust me with the calc situation even worse:
> For example layout like (four inline blocks: f1,f2,f3,f4):
> |<--25%%-->|<--fixed:100px-->|<--50%%--->|<--25%%-->|
> (Again %% means here percentage from free space = contentWidth-100px)
> Following your logic this should be represented by formula like this:
> f1{
>    width:calc(25%-33px);
> }

Er, wouldn't that be:

f1 {
	width:calc( (100%-100px)*.25);

and so on? This is what you expressed that 25%% would mean.

Received on Monday, 24 May 2004 12:27:33 UTC