Re: @media in style attribute

> [Original Message]
> From: Justin Wood <>
> just add a simple thing.

<example snipped using <link> and classes>

> This all will allow you to style the display correctly for those 
> elements (block etc;) in normal stylesheets/style attribs, and the 
> print.css and screen.css will over-ride them on a normal use.
> just add the class in there, along with any other classes you
> need, will save alot of UA download.
> As well as prevent UA's from /needing/ to impliment a pseudo
> class for something that we allready support via an @ rule.

I will have to disagree with you.  Setting style on an element
by using an attribute of an element (or a descendant of an
element, altho that is not the mechanism that is used at present)
of an element on an element instead of by a separate <style>
or <link> element that is not either an ancestor or descended
greatly eases the job of transcluding an element from another
document.  So far transclusion has largely been ignored
in the web, largely because it does not yet have a degree of
support that makes it easy to use.  I am not one of those
wide-eyed Xanadu-philes that thinks that transclusion will
bring world peace, but it would be a useful capability to have.

I will agree that outside of the domain of transclusion, there
is nothing that a style attribute offers that cannot as easily
be done with a centralized stylesheet and using either
id or class as appropriate.  However, I already said earlier
in this thread that 

>>This would mostly be useful to ease the styling of transclusions
>>in my opinion. Until transclusions become useful, there is little
>>benefit to the two more expansive profiles given by the draft.

We have a classic chicken and egg situation here.
A :media() pseudoclass is only needed if transclusions are
widely used, but transclusions will not be widely used until
there exists a mechanism to easily associate all types of
style with the transclusion, including media-specific style.

Received on Thursday, 20 May 2004 23:38:26 UTC