Re: CSS Gradients

Ernest Cline wrote:
> If I've understood your ASCII art correctly, I believe you are using the
> wrong viewport.  It is not the document viewport, but a new viewport
> that the scrolling element has.  I used the same terminology that
> 'background-attachment' does.

I think you've misunderstood the definition of the viewport.  CSS2 
states the following [1]:

   Note that there is only one viewport per view. If an element has a
   scrolling mechanism (see 'overflow'), a 'fixed' background doesn't
   move with the element, and a 'scroll' background doesn't move with
   the scrolling mechanism.

   Therefore, an element with a scrolling mechanism doesn't create its 
own viewport, and the background image, or gradient in this case, would 
be attached to the /document viewport/, as you called it.

   For a better graphical example of what I meant in my previous post, 
take a look at this test case [2].

(Currently, if you want to view the source of the example [2], you'll 
have to do view frame source because of the awful URI forwarding that 
was offered by the domain registrar.  However this will be changed very 
soon when my hosting is set up correctly)

Lachlan Hunt

Received on Friday, 14 May 2004 10:29:31 UTC