Re: CSS: %% length unit. Proposal. Some clarifications.

Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:
>>An example, plain old HTML:
>><table width="500">
>>   <tr>
>>     <td width="100" id="1"></td>
>>     <td width="100%" id="2"></td>
>>     <td width="200" id="3"></td>
>>   </tr>
>>In this case cell 1 will span 100 pixels, and cell 3 will span 200. Cell
>>2 will use up what is left.
> Max, are you kidding me?! This what you will expect as a human :) But
> practice is little bit different.
> Try this in Mozilla or IE :)))))))

I made an error in haste. The behaviour I described would have been 
accomplished by the following HTML:

<table width="500">
      <td width="100" id="1"></td>
      <td id="2"></td>             <!-- no width defined -->
      <td width="200" id="3"></td>

Max Romantschuk

Received on Monday, 10 May 2004 02:36:00 UTC