Re: CSS: %% length unit. Proposal. Some clarifications.

> > Could you please define, in terms given in the CSS specification, the
> > exact algorithm you are proposing to determine the "free space" for any
> > given dimension of an element in a layout?
> >
> > In particular, how do nested floats, positioned elements in sibling
> > containing blocks, overflow content from cells in non-sibling tables, and
> > so forth, affect the "free space"?
> >
> I am not too strong in formal English, and especially in specifications.
> Nevertheless...

You are not defining. You give examples.

> <div style="width:100px; height:100px; margin:auto;
> background-color:orange">center</div>
> margin:auto here means exactly margin:50%%. (At least Mozilla knows about
> "free space" concept)
> (with exception: margin:50%% will force div content box to appear in the
> middle of the screen verticaly also)

First, that would break the current CSS model. Since I assume you are talking
about an HTML document, were both HTML and BODY (DIV is a child of BODY) have a
'height:auto' so this can't be possible.

Second, you have said something before about centering, but you used
'margin:100%%' in that case.

Because of that, your proposal is confusing. Please don't give examples but
define exactly how 'heigt' or 'margin' is calculated.

> %% units should be allowed ONLY in margin and width/height CSS attributes
> for boxes having 'normal' flow.

Is this a joke?

Received on Sunday, 9 May 2004 02:14:20 UTC