Re: Positioning

> > Flow should allow a positioned element to
> > control the flow of content around it.
>If we had that designers would die of happiness.
>I always wondered why positioned elements can't make
>content flow around them. It forces designers to
>violate the DRY principle, in that for a positioned
>bar on the side of the page, you have to put the width
>of the bar in twice -- for the bar itself and for the
>main content that has to be pushed away with a margin.
>I figure that it's not feasible to do because of
>constraints on speed of browser layout. Is this right?

All of the peices for this are already in place, so it's completely feasible 
Float, which combines this idea of flow and positioning, is an artificial 
limitation on the idea of flow. Float needs to be deprecated. It is wholely 
possible without much work to implement all of the ideas I put forth plus a 
few more to make authors and implementers lives easier.

Orion Adrian

Received on Saturday, 8 May 2004 13:57:11 UTC