Re: CSS: Extended tiling. Proposal

> support for packaging multiple images in a single file like Java does 
> with .jar (read: zip compression) files could be an option which would 

.jar files aren't actually compressed!  They use the .zip archive structure
but in "store" mode, not in deflate mode.

> keep things in one file, but would it be worth it?

I think you have just invented PDF. Whoops!  Someone invented that before
HTML (they used LZW then, but now use deflate, and it is more an SVG 
analogue than an HTML one).

The reason that web pages tend to be more responsive than optimised,
incrementally loaded, PDF files, over the internet, is primarily because
the images (and fonts if used) are not embedded in the file and can
therefore be cached and only fetched if actually needed.

Incidentally, HTTP 1.1 supports pipelining, so there there should not be
many turn round delays, even if the uplink direction is busier than if the
sender anticipated the set of images required.

Received on Wednesday, 5 May 2004 18:05:03 UTC