[css3-speech] Proposal: an aural box model

"The pause is inserted between the element's content and any 'cue-before'  
or 'cue-after' content." [1]

In my opinion there is a need to think about a new kind of *aural box  
model*, which (as far as i know) has not been defined yet, to be able to  
exactly understand how 'pause' works, how generated content is to be added  
with pseudo-elements, and to realize what we are missing in the spec.

Currently, a 'pause' is defined as "a pause or prosodic boundary to be  
observed before (or after) speaking an element's content". A 'cue' is  
defined as a sound to be "played before and/or after the element to  
delimit it". A 'pause' "is inserted between the element's content and any  
'cue-before' or 'cue-after' content".

This describes a model that can be rendered visually in the following way:

cue-before . pause-before . <element> . pause-after . cue-after

and can be compared to the visual box model in a way that the 'cue' is the  
aural equivalent to 'border' and 'pause' is the equivalent to 'padding'.

Defining an aural box does also help determining where exactly generated  
content would be added with any pseudo-element.

The issue is that there is no aural equivalent to 'margin', i.e. there is  
no way to determine the interval of time between the 'cue-after' of an  
element and the 'cue-before' of the next element.


[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/WD-css3-speech-20040727/#pause-props

"He is old". But she is wrong. It is not age; it is that a drop has  
fallen; another drop.
~~~ Virginia Woolf

Received on Wednesday, 28 July 2004 07:49:01 UTC