Re: CSS 2 font-size clarification.

Richard York wrote:
> I have a question concerning the use of absolute size keywords for the
> font-size property.

> Opera 7.5, IE 6 and Moz appear to have this interpretation:
> h1 == 24pt == xx-large
> h2 == 18pt == x-large
> h3 == 14pt == large
> h4 == 12pt == medium
> h5 == 10pt == small
> h6 == 8pt  == x-small
>        7pt  == xx-small

In Gecko, that's just happenstance, since that's what Mozilla's values
turn out to be at default default settings, meaning a DPI of 96, and
font size of 16px. Note that's px, not pt. Gecko does not use pt for
prefs. (Points are functionally crippled for screen media.) The sizes
Gecko uses are px. For the smaller sizes, Gecko has a table of values
you can see at
and following, with the index to keywords on line 144. For the larger
sizes, there is a scale rather than a table at line 197. has my full
tabulation of mozilla behavior. Mozilla has my proposal to
improve behavior of these sizes that would break it apart from other
browsers and the spec. I am formulating a conforming CSS3 proposal.
"If you are wise, your wisdom will reward you;"        Proverbs 9:12 NIV

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***

Received on Monday, 26 July 2004 16:55:14 UTC