Re: Possible inadequacies in CSS3 Border-Image proposed specification

On Sun, 18 Jan 2004 02:37:03 -0500, fantasai <> wrote:
> Ok.
> If you read the section describing border corner images, it says:
> # The area of the corner is determined by
> # the perpendicular corner radii and the
> # outer border edge lines or by extending
> # perpendiculars from the padding edge
> # corner, whichever yields a greater area.
> and
> # For the overwrite and overflow values of
> # border-fit, the image may overflow into
> # the content area, but it has to be clipped
> # at the opposite edge of the content area.
> So, to get the layout you suggest, make your corner image include
> those two bits of the top and left edges and make the rest of it
> transparent. Assign it to the top left corner with border-top-left
> and give it a fit of 'overwrite'.
>   C     |                            I
>   C_____|                            I
> If you want D to tile and fit properly, then you also need to
> increase the border-radius to stretch the corner area.
> ~fantasai

Ah.. I hadnt considered image-based transparency. That does simplify 
things. Assuming, of course, that implimentations don't take "Transparent" 
to mean "Show the background of the parent element", but perhaps that 
would be a seperate issue.

Vincent Starre

Received on Sunday, 18 January 2004 11:42:01 UTC