XHTML Print and CSS Print comment statement from the Multimodal Interaction WG

	Per request of the Print WG, the following general comments are
offered from the W3C Multimodal Interaction WG on the CSS Print and
XHTML Print specifications. I would suggest that we pick a convenient
time (Cannes F2F? or telecon) to further discuss some of the intricacies
involved in printing from mobile devices.  


	Paul Burke




		The MultiModal WG recognizes the value of open universal
print mechanisms in support of mobile users in a Multimodal Interaction
environment.  We look forward to seeing these types of facilities emerge
in mobile devices and printers, and look to incorporate this into the
general MMI framework. 


		While it would be better if other formats besides just
XHTML and JPEGs (like GIF, SVG, PNG etc) were supported, it is
recognized that as a universal print mechanism, XHTML Print and the CSS
Print Profile, form the basis of a cost effective universal print
solution for mobile users.



		Recognizing that for this to work, the browser will need
to snapshot a resultant filled-in form to capture the form data that
will be acquired using various modes of input, it would be worth
discussing this further with the Print WG to make sure we have all
aspects covered.  Specific examples of discussion include;


		*                                    How would Ink
traces from a stylus being used in a multimodal interaction be printed?
Example: circle an origination and destination on a map on a screen;
the system could provide directions in XHTML, but how would the
annotated map be printed?


		*                                    Discussion on a
scheme to allow an identifier to be used  to allow post processing of a


		*                                    Whereas one of the
stated goals of XHTML Print and the CSS Print Profile is to accommodate
"low cost printers", it would be good to discuss how these print
functions would be used in a context of high end printers in a networked
environment.. Examples include multimodal interaction and then printing
tickets, bar codes, maps, pictures etc. These types of printers might be
available in "print kiosks", and would typically include payment





Received on Wednesday, 4 February 2004 15:36:08 UTC