RE: XSL FO SG comment on css3-page spec


Thank you for your comment. It has been assigned issue number 37.

You wrote:
> Regarding:  CSS3 Paged Media Module
> The XSL FO SG <> notes that the model 
> described in this draft differs from that in the XSL spec [1].
> Specifically, the areas that correspond to XSL's 
> region-before, etc., appear to fall outside the page margins 
> whereas in XSL, they lie within the page margins.
> We have not had a chance to evaluate this more closely, so we 
> have no more details at this time, but we wanted to get this 
> comment in before it gets any later.
> Paul Grosso
> for the XSL FO SubGroup of the XSL WG
> [1]
 -- Jim Bigelow, Editor

Received on Wednesday, 4 February 2004 15:29:56 UTC