Re: [CSS21] 3 margin-collapse issues?

On 23 Aug 2004 at 13:59, Ian Hickson wrote:
> Table cells don't have margins, so they can't be adjoining to anything, 
> and if they're not adjoining to anything, they don't collapse.
Ah, but of course. I assume that ensures that it is clear that children
do not collapse with their unexisting margins like in the td first-child/last-child
quirk (which BTW doesnt quite work with nested collapses does it?)?

> > It also seems to miss specifying what happens with vertical overflow and 
> > bottom-margin. It does specify that collapse with bottom margin and 
> > children does not occur if "underflow" occurs, but not that it doesn't 
> > when overflow happens which seems to be the interpretation of some major 
> > current implementations and also makes more sense than collapsing 
> > something that isen't adjoining.
> When overflow happens, the margins aren't adjoining. This is defined.

Hmm, i still don't quite see that. Could you spell that out to me? 

I think you are referring to the section:
"The bottom margin of an in-flow block-level element with a 'height' of 'auto' and 'min-
height' less than the element's used height is adjoining to its last in-flow block-level 
child's bottom margin if the element has no bottom padding or border."
but i don't see how that works and i don't see any 'max-height' references.

> > The paragraphs: 
> >
> > "If the element's margins are collapsed with its parent's top margin, 
> > the top border edge of the box is defined to be the same as the 
> > parent's. Otherwise, either the element's parent is not taking part in 
> > the margin collapsing, or only the parent's bottom margin is involved. 
> > The position of the element's top border edge is the same as it would 
> > have been if the element had a non-zero top border."
> > 
> > does not seem to match exactly what current browsers do. Why have two 
> > ways to position the element and why isn't the box always positioned 
> > after the collapse? To me it seems weird that the elements content area 
> > can start above where its margins participates in a collapse, but 
> > otherwise i think most implementations seem to go with some version of 
> > the second solution above? This case is however probably the defintion 
> > of an edge case,
> The case above is only relevant when the top and bottom margins of an 
> element collapse together. If it wasn't for those paragraph, there would 
> be no defined top border content edge for that element, and nested floats 
> or positioned elements would be at a loss as to where to go.
> The two definitions are needed because otherwise you end up with 
> unintuitive results.

I'm sorry but i don't understand that having those two definitions gives 
more intuitive results, and it seems that Mozilla 1.7, Opera 7.50 and IE6 
disagree so much on this behavior that i cannot make sense of what 
that point is. Are there any use cases that can make me understand 
or is this more about ensuring the behavior is reasonably well defined? 


Received on Monday, 23 August 2004 15:14:08 UTC