Re: Proposal for inclusion of variable constant definition in CSS3 syntax

I've compiled multiple replies in one message for brevity.

Kynn Bartlett wrote:
 > You should probably be informed that this proposal has been made and
 > discussed many times on the list before.  That is not to say that
 > you can't bring it up again, but you need to be aware of, and address,
 > the objections which have already been raised.  If you can make a
 > compelling argument which deals effectively with those responses to
 > previous suggestions, then who knows?  You may get what you wanted.
 > You should view the archives for this list on the W3C's web site,
 > though, before proceeding.

I suspected this might have been the case. My apologies for being lazy.

I don't think I have any revolutionizing ideas, so I feel I'll stick to 
dynamically generating my own style sheets. This solves the problem, for 
me anyway.

David Woolley wrote:
 > I'd go as far as to suggest that if you need to make heavy use of such
 > a feature, either your styling is abitrary, and therefore confusing to
 > a user, or you have failed to use:
 > - classes (in particular, note that a single element may belong to
 >   more than one class, although that is not an invitation to
 >   have a class per font!);
 > - inheritance;
 > - cascading;
 > - multiple selectors for one rule,
 > properly, or failed to provide a HTML that describes the true document
 > structure.

You make a valid point. The sad thruth though, is that current user 
agents (especially IE) don't allow for much flexibility as they don't 
support all selectors properly.

But my aim isn't to get around that problem, as already pointed out by 

Christoph Päper wrote:
 > True, but imagine
 >   foo       {color: #ABCDEF; background: #FEDCBA;}
 >   foo:hover {color: #FEDCBA; background: #ABCDEF;}
 >   bar       {border-color: #ABCDEF;} /* and so on */

But then again...

Christoph Päper wrote:
> You're absolutely not the first one, demanding it. Although it would have been
> nice having had it from CSS Level 1 on, it probably brings more harms than
> benefits, if introduced in CSS3 or later. Search & replace and often simply
> cascading works for me.

You are probably right. And as I said, server side dynamic style sheet 
generation solves the problem. The only bad thing is that you can kiss 
all style editing software goodbye at the same time.

Thanks to everyone for not totally bashing me. I'll get back to lurking 
now. Who knows, maybe I can even be of help in the future?


Received on Friday, 30 April 2004 01:44:04 UTC