RE: :first-letter and bidi reordering interaction

> From: Boris Zbarsky [mailto:bzbarsky@MIT.EDU]
> [1] ==
> > The bracketed content below should be green:
> > <p>"MIYALAHSURE[Y"] is the Hebrew word for "Jerusalem."</p>
> > 
> Note that I agree that your rendering looks a lot better, but 
> there is 
> really no connection whatsoever between the 'Y' and '"' that 
> you bracketed.
> -Boris

Ah - missed that point. I assumed the quotes were part of the Hebrew text.
The bracketed content below should be green:
 <p>["]MIYALAHSURE[Y]" is the Hebrew word for "Jerusalem."</p>

Come to think of it, I don't know whether Hebrew has quotes.
Suppose they do, and suppose I render them as {}
where the } comes "first" (i.e., on the right) and the { comes "last" (i.e.,
on the left)
Then the bracketed content below should be green:
 <p>{MIYALAHSURE[Y}] is the Hebrew word for "Jerusalem."</p>                805.964.4554 x902
Hispanic Business Inc./   Software Engineer
perl -e"print join er,reverse',','l hack',' P','Just anoth'"

Received on Monday, 19 April 2004 17:17:02 UTC