Re: Fallbacks

>>Let me give you one of the examples Tantek provided using CSS1 syntax (I
>>   background: lime;
>>   background: red url(fancy-lime-pattern-returns-404);
>>This will be read as (or similar, probably using a hex value):
>>   background: red;
>>Using (assuming the whole "serie" must "pass" in CSS3):
>>   background: red url(fancy-lime-pattern-returns-404), lime;
>>Would solve this problem and it can be made backwards compatible as
>>well, since a comma is not part of the 'background' property in CSS 2.1.
> But that is two properties, not one:
>    background-color: red, lime;
>    background-image: url(404), none;
> You want all the background-* properties to be linked?

Yes, I think so. General rules are better than having specific rules for 
'shorthand' properties imo.

  Anne van Kesteren

Received on Thursday, 15 April 2004 13:42:13 UTC