Re: CSS21 @font-face removal

> I am sure there are good reasons for removing @font-face [2]
> from CSS 2.1 font capabilities. [1].

I think that is because it fails the "two interoperable implementations"
rule.  IE and Netscape didn't share a common font format.  (Note the
problem with creating a font format is not describing the font, but 
enforcing intellectual property rules.  Microsoft's implementation
locked the font to a particular URL.)

> I have a concern that this impacts users of minority languages more than
> others.

I don't think there is much awareness of the feature even in such
communities.  The only example I've seen was a Symbol font hack
(misrepresenting ISO 8859/1 characters as glyphs for something else)
for Telugu.  (That was on an explicit search for font-embedding -
something that produced few hits at the time.)  None of the Western
academic sites for Chinese use them, even though people are quite likely
not to have the fonts.

Received on Monday, 20 October 2003 02:41:59 UTC