Re: color-profile

> > How is local specified on a color-profile?
> >
> > >From the CSS3 spec (color module):
> >
> > *************************
> > <local-profile>
> > The source profile is a locally-stored profile. The syntax for
> > <local-profile> is:
> > "local(" + <string> + ")"
> > where <string> is the profile's unique ID as specified by the
> > Color Consortium. (Note: Profile description fields do not represent a
> > profile's unique ID. With current ICC proposals, the profile's unique ID
> > an MD5-encoded value within the profile header.)
> > ***********************
> Which part don't you understand?
>  - what is a local profile?
>  - where is it stored? (ie how do I use it on Windows ICM)
>  - what is the ID?

***With current ICC proposals, the profile's unique ID is an MD5-encoded
value within the profile header**

I have looked at the profile header description and I can't see any 128 bit
MD5 value stored in there...

I assume it's stored locally on the hard drive, I can enum all the profiles
installed with Windows ICM api, it returns a list of file names. I guess my
main question for now is how do I get the string to put in local(..) from

>An MD5 is a kindof-checksum of an input string (in this case
>the profile name).

What's the profile name? Is it the file name?


Sigurd Lerstad

Received on Monday, 6 October 2003 12:41:24 UTC