CSS3 Color Module CR 14 May 2003 grammar

Found some grammar mistakes in the Color Module CR.

In the "Status of this document" section and in 1. (Introduction), "implementors"
should be spelled "implementers."  (I'm not sure; it looks better to me
with an o, but MS Word insists that it's an e.)

In the "Status of this document" section, "publically" should be spelled

In the "Status of this document" section, in the sentence "Otherwise, as
soon as the exit criteria is met, it will progress to become Proposed Recommendation,"
it should say "criteria are met," not "criteria is met."

In 3.2, "postprocessing" should be hyphenated as "post-processing," and
"offscreen" should be hyphenated as "off-screen."

In 3.4, in the sentence "The behavior of values other than auto and inherit
are defined by the International Color Consortium standard [ICC32]," it
should either say "behaviors" and "are defined" or "behavior" and "is defined."

In 4.2.3, in the sentence "This keyword can be considered a shorthand for
rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value," "a shorthand" should be just

Jeremy Rand
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