CSS3 Text: text alignment and justification - editorial

CSS3 Text, Section 4

Section 4.1

  # Note: The property initial value has changed between CSS2 and CSS3

property -> property's

  # ... to be related to the current text advance direction in CSS3.

Change "text advance direction" to "inline-progression"

Section 4.2

  # This property selects the type of justify alignment for
  # last lines when 'text-align-last' is set to 'justify' and
  # other lines when 'text-align' is set to 'justify'. Most of
  # the text-justify values affects writing systems in very
  # specific ways. These writing systems (or group of) are:

Change text to:
   This property selects the justification algorithm used when
   'text-align' is set to 'justify'. Most values affect different
   types of writing systems in different ways.
   Writing systems are grouped as follows:

  # Devanagari and all South Asian scripts using baseline
  # connector such as Bengali and Gurmukhi

Parenthesize "such as Bengali and Gurmukhi" -- otherwise the
text reads as if Bengali and Gurmukhi /are/ baseline connectors
instead of scripts using them.

(The same text occurs at the end of the section, and should
also be fixed.)

The text-justify value descriptions have a tendency to forget to
say whether inter-cluster spacing or kashida occurs. Although
the information is nicely summarized in the table, it should
also be mentioned in the prose.

  # Note: White space does not include zero-width-space, therefore
  # justification is not expected for these characters. However
  # justification is expected for white space with explicit width
  # set by the 'word-spacing' property.

Change "therefore justification is not expected for these characters"
to "therefore justification is should not expand these characters".

Change "justification is expected for white space..."
to "justification is expected to expand white space..."

  # In that example no expansion occurs between the word themselves,
  # indicating that the text-kashida-space property is set to 100%.

Rewrite as
   "The text-kashida-space property is set to 100% in this example,
    so all expansion occurs in the elongated glyphs and none between
    the words themselves."

Received on Thursday, 6 March 2003 05:19:57 UTC