Re: author-defined color aliases

On Sunday, June 15, 2003, at 11:19 AM, Brant Langer Gurganus wrote:
> While it is probably too late for CSS3 Color Module consideration, I 
> believe that author-definable color aliases would be useful.  CSS can 
> define the RGB values of common colors (red, green, blue, etc.) and 
> then authors can define aliases to their commonly used RGB values.
> The advantages of such an addition to CSS would be more consistend 
> color themes because there would be fewer chances for typos.  If I 
> have a color like #7F027E, it is easier to associate that with a color 
> name than to remember that obscure combination over and over.

I don't see the point, if this is just for the author's benefit.  It
seems to me that you could simply solve the problem with an improved
authoring environment -- say, create your style rules with macros of
some kind, and then process them out of the style sheet before
publishing them to the server.  Or you could dynamically generate
your style sheet with ASP/PHP/JSP/Perl/whatever.

If there were advantages for the _end user_, then sure, I could see
doing this.  (Like, for example, if the end user could redefine
the color name 'green' to compensate for red-green colorblindness.)

But simply for author convenience?  No way.  Better ways to solve
THAT problem.


Kynn Bartlett <>           
Chief Technologist, Idyll Mountain      
Author, CSS in 24 Hours             
Inland Anti-Empire Blog            
Shock & Awe Blog                 

Received on Sunday, 15 June 2003 20:04:16 UTC