RE: style switcher

(Top posting since original reply was top posted.)

I don't see anything in the HTML specs that would prohibit a user agent 
from being able to maintain a user's choice for the use of alternate 
stylesheets over a set of related documents.  The problem is, how does 
the user agent know that documents are related and that the alternate 
styles are to be kept in place?  I think that at most this could be 
made to work only on direct hyperlinking and only if the alternate 
stylesheets have the same name in both the original and the target 

Matthew Fletcher wrote:

> You get the same results with Opera 7.11. I always thought that's
> how it is supposed to work (but secretly wished it wasn't!)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: jc []
> hi
> it is probably a very common question but i can't find any answer...
> i have two pages with this code :
>      <link
>           href="css1.css" type="text/css"
>           rel="stylesheet">
>      <link
>           href="css2.css"
>           rel="alternate stylesheet" title="css2" type="text/css">
> here is my question :
> with mozille i can choose the style to be applied on the page ; but if i 
> choose the alternate style, it is not persistant : on the second page, 
> the style is the default style (not the one i choosed) !
> the page :
> thank you !
> __
> jc

Received on Thursday, 5 June 2003 13:24:32 UTC