Float-description in CSS2, 2.1 and 3

I was wondering if the description of how to position floats in the CSS family of recommendations does not lack a dimension. Floats that are nested inside another float seem to be iteroperably implemented, but i dont see the description of how they should be handled in the recs.

To be somewhat constructive something like the following translated to spec-talk might help:
(Before list)
'Elements in earlier in the source document' below refers to elements that
have been closed previously, and not to elements that are ancestors of the
element that generates the float, which is to be handled by the below rules.
10. A float generates a new float context. A float inside another float does
not affect lines outside the containing float when overflowing. Overflows only happen when the width and/or height are explicitly specified to overflow.
11. A float inside another float context affects the height of the ancestor
float the same way a block inside another block affects the height of the
ancestor block. 

Assuming that something like the above is the indended way of handling
nested floats? (Float implementaions of some major browsers seem consistent in
this aspect).

As a side note i think the explanation provided in CSS2/2.1 is an easier read than the CSS3 one, but that the big example in CSS3 should be provided in the CSS2.1 rec.


Received on Monday, 7 July 2003 13:40:40 UTC