Re: CSS/XBL Dependencies

On Wednesday 08 January 2003 9:34 am, Ian Hickson wrote:
> On Tue, 7 Jan 2003, fantasai wrote:
> > This is an example of dependency between two CSS rules.
> > If one goes and the other stays, the result is worse than
> > having neither. It's a problem that shows up in pure CSS
> > as well, but not so severely. (You might wind up, for
> > example, with white text on a white background. This has
> > been brought up before. [1])
> >
> > Does XBL have a way to avoid this situation?
> > The more general question would be "how can CSS's cascading
> > be adjusted to handle such dependencies?"
> As you point out, this isn't an XBL problem.
> There have been several proposed solutions, none satisfactory.
> Ideas welcome.

Off the top of my head, what is wrong with:

@atomic {

	#foo {

	#bar {


From an authoring perspective, I wouldn't have thought that it would be a 
problem.  Are there implementation issues?

I haven't had any luck finding the relevent discussion in the archives, any 

Jim Dabell

Received on Wednesday, 8 January 2003 09:28:56 UTC