Re: Length unit relative to media width

"Coises" <>:
>      * This heading should be centered.

Depends, either margin: $var auto; or text-align: center;.

>      * This heading must be visibly larger than the sub-headings.

Would be easier with XHTML2's section/h nesting, but is possible with
more than one rule in current HTML:

h1 {font-size: 2em} h2 {font-size: 1.5em}

>      * Under that constraint, if possible, it should fit on one line.

margin: $var auto;

>      * If it isn't possible to fit it on one line and still make it
>        visibly larger than the sub-headings, then it should be
>        broken into as few lines as possible,

margin: $var auto;

>        and the line breaks should be such that the lengths of the
>        lines into which it is divided are as close as possible to
>        being equal to one another.

margin: $var auto;, but depends IIRC on implementation.


Received on Wednesday, 26 February 2003 09:29:25 UTC